Tuesday, November 17, 2015




Definisi pengurusan islam kontemporari menurut Mohd. Affandi Hassan (1992) ialah “Pemenuhan amanah keinsanan di antara Tuhan dan manusia yang mana manusia selaku hamba dan khalifah-Nya mesti melaksanakan amal soleh berasaskan prinsip kerjasama dan syura dalam aktiviti kepengurusan.  Matlamat pengurusan ialah pembangunan tamaddun yang berasaskan nilai-nilai etika tauhidik dan oleh itu pengurusan mesti dipastikan bersih daripada korupsi, sifat-sifat buruk dan ketidakadilan baik di dalam organisasi mahupun masyarakat demi untuk mencapai matlamat utama iaitu al-falah”.  Manakala menurut Muhammad Syukri Salleh (2003) pengurusan merujuk kepada setiap aspek kehidupan manusia sebagai hamba dan khalifah Allah SWT dengan menggunakan segala peralatan yang selari dengan Islam, sama ada di peringkat individu, keluarga, masyarakat, organisasi, negara dan alam sejagat.

Istilah insan dan insaniah mempunyai perkaitan antara satu sama lain.  Manusia atau dalam Bahasa Arab dikatakan sebagai insan merujuk kepada makhluk sebaik-baik ciptaan oleh Allah SWT berbanding yang lain contohnya seperti haiwan dan tumbuhan.  Ini kerana manusia dikurniakan dengan akal, roh dan jasad (Rahimi Md Saad & Abdul Muhsien Sulaiman, 2010). Darjat insan diangkat lebih tinggi berbanding dengan haiwan dan tumbuhan.  Dlam kitab suci al-Qur’an, terdapat tujuh istilah yang merujuk kepada konsep insan iaitu al-basyar, al-insan, al-nas, bani Adam, al-ins, abd Allah dan khalifah Allah (Abdul Wahid Thahir, t.t.). Nilai insan adalah sangat penting kerana seperti kita ketahui insan merupakan salah satu daripada komponen terpenting yang berfungsi sebagai penggerak utama dalam sesuatu pembangunan.  Komponen akal dan jiwa digunakan oleh insan dalam menguruskan sesuatu.  Oleh itu elemen insan ditonjolkan dalam kertas kerja ini untuk menunjukkan keseimbangan aspek insan yang berfungsi sebagai pengurus dan sebagai elemen yang diurus.

Insaniah merupakan kata terbitan yang menggunakan imbuhan “-iah” yang berasal daripada perkataan insan yang mempunyai maksud yang sama dengan perkataan keinsanan yang membawa maksud kemanusian.  Menurut Fadhlullah JamIil (1985) bahawa istilah insaniah merujuk kepada berperikemanusian atau  memiliki sifat keinsanan.  Apabila seseorang itu dikatakan berperikemanusian maka sewajarnya ia memiliki sikap belas kasihan terhadap sesama makhluk, bertimbang rasa, mengenang budi, pemaaf, sabar dalam menghadapi ujian, beramanah, adil dan sedar akan tanggungjawab, berani dalam mempertahankan nilai-nilai mulia yang menjadi pegangan, tidak mementingkan diri, tidak angkuh atau bermegah-megah dengan keturunan atau bangsa.  Ringkasnya, seseorang yang mempunyai sifat berperikemanusian akan bertindak mengikut lunas akhlak yang mulia dan tidak akan tunduk kepada runtuhan hawa nafsu.

Masjid merupakan salah satu institusi yang penting bagi umat Islam.  Masjid bukan sahaja merupakan tempat untuk umat Islam melakukan ibadat-ibadat khusus seperti sembahyang, mambaca al-Qur’an, berzikir dan sebagainya bahkan institusi masjid dijadikan sebgaai pusat pembangunan bagi umat Islam secara lebih menyeluruh.  Apabila melihat kembali kepada sejarah Islam, usaha pertama yang dilakukan oleh Rasulullah SAW ialah membina masjid untuk membentuk masyarakat dan negara Islam di Madinah.  Melihat kepada peranan Masjid Nabawi di Madinah, masjid tersebut berperanan sebagai nadi kepada segala kegiatan penting pada zaman Rasulullah.  Di mana baginda mendidik umatnya agar mengatur urusan yang berkaitan dengan kehidupan dan aspek keagamaan di peringkat individu, keluarga, masyarakat dan negara.  Oleh itu, masjid memainkan peranan yang luas termasuklah hal yang berkaitan dengan ibadat, ilmu, politik, ekonomi, ketenteraan, pentadbiran, pembentukkan dasar negara , perhubungan antara negara dan sebagainya (Lokman dan Musa, 1996).

Ban Nua merupakan  sebuah perkampungan yang mempunyai majoriti penduduknya terdiri daripada mereka beragama Islam yang terletak di daerah Hat Yai, Thailand.  Pekerjaan utama kebanyakkan penduduk di situ ialah sebagai nelayan, petani dan ada yang menjalankan aktiviti perniagaan.  Boleh dikatakan kebanyakkan aktiviti kemasyarakatan dan ekonomi mereka tertumpu di Masjid sebagai pusat yang penting kepada komuniti Muslim.  Dakwah yang dilaksanakan oleh imam ialah membina sebuah masjid untuk tujuan beribadah dan sebagai tempat musyawarah kepada penduduk Ban Nua, di mana masjid menjadi sebuah pusat bagi segala aktiviti kemasyarakatan. 

Pengurusan Insaniah di Masjid Ban Nua, Thailand

Melihat kepada fungsi masjid Ban Nua, Thailand kebanyakkan aktiviti kemasyarakatan dan ekonomi tertumpu di Masjid sebagai pusat terpenting kepada komuniti Muslim.  Dakwah yang dilaksanakan oleh imam ialah dengan membina sebuah masjid untuk tujuan beribadah dan tempat musyawarah kepada penduduk Ban Nua, di mana masjid menjadi sebuah pusat bagi segala aktiviti kemasyarakatan.  Solat Jemaah ditekankan terhadap seluruh komuniti Islam Ban Nua, sehingga mereka menjadikannya sebagai amalan utama dan kewajipan dalam menunaikan ibadah zakat.  Hal ini mengubah pemikiran serta kefahaman komuniti Ban Nua agar selari dengan syariat Islam.  Masjid Ban Nua dijadikan sebagai pusat pembangunan yang menyeluruh dan menjalankan pelbagai aktiviti berbentuk fizikal dan spiritual.  Masjid merupakan tunjang kepada penubuhan koperasi yang berfungsi dalam menguruskan dan melaksanakan sistem muamalat secara Islam sehingga tertubuhnya koperasi Masjid yang dijadikan sebagai institusi kewangan dan perbankan Islam.

Dalam komuniti Islam Bna Nua, masjid merupakan institusi yang penting dalam Islam maka dengan itu, ia harus membawa segala syariat Islam untuk dijadikan sistem sosial dan budaya mengikut kadar kemampuan.  Untuk mencapai matlamat itu, ia mesti terdiri daripada tiga unsur yang penting iaitu pengurusan ilmu, pembinaan cara hidup dan pentadbiran serta pengurusan.  Bagi unsur pengurusan ilmu, masjid Ban Nua telah melaksanakan agenda ini dengan menggalakkan pendidikan sama ada pendidikan secara formal atau tidak formal.  Pendidikan secara formal dibahagikan kepada tiga peringkat iaitu peringkat kanak-kanak, peringkat remaja dan pembelajaran untuk orang awam.  Sementara, pendidikan secara tidak formal terdiri daripada pelbagai bentuk contohnya seperti nasihat imam selepas solat berjemaah, mengadakan kegiatan sempena hari kebesaran agama, mengadakan program kursus remaja di luar bilik darjah dan lawatan sambil belajar untuk orang awam dan sebagainya (Tabrani Lateh,2015)

Bagi unsur pembinaan cara hidup, dalam konteks komuniti Ban Nua iaitu mengambil rukun Islam sebagai asas dan masjid berfungsi sebagai pusat pengurusan dalam segala hal.  Pembangunan tersebut bermula dengan melaksanakan rukun Islam.  Cara hidup ini merangkumi kehidupan seseorang yang meliputi tiga aspek kehidupan iaitu aspek pendidikan, aspek sosial yang meliputi budaya memberi atau bersedekah melalui acara minum teh di masjid seminggu sekali, pengurusan kebajikan masyarakat kepada ahli jawatankuasa masjid dan ahli qariah, usaha ke arah pemantapan institusi kekeluargaan, penyusunan masyarakat mengikut “hukum pakat”, mengadakan kegiatan untuk golongan belia dan pusat pengajian dan pengendalian sistem kesihatan Masjid Ban Nua.  Dan bagi aspek ekonomi ialah zakat dengan pembinaan masyarakat saling bantu membantu, koperasi masjid Ban Nua dengan pembinaan keutuhan ekonomi kepada masyarakat, homestay dan perkhidmatan perahu dan penubuhan persatuan kaum ibu.

Jika di lihat dalam aspek pengurusan dan pentadbiran, mesyuarat ibarat nadi kepada hal berkaitan pentadbiran.  Ini adalah sesuai dengan firman Tuhan yang memuji hambaNya yang beriman, mereka sering mengadakan mesyuarat dalam apa jua sekalipun.  Dalam hal berkaitan pentadbiran masjid ini tiada sebarang saguhati kepada ahli anggota pentadbir.  Perkara yang paling penting ialah keikhlasan, kejujuran dan kesungguhan serta pengorbanan setiap anggota pentadbir itu sendiri.  Ini jelas menunjukan bahawa setiap ahli anggota pentadbir Masjid Ban Nua telah menunjukkan sikap pengorbanan yang tinggi selama ini.  Antara buktinya seperti kegiatan ‘minum teh sambil menderma’ yang sudah di amalkan sejak tahun 1997 sehingga kini.


Pengurusan insaniah yang dipraktikkan di institusi atau organisasi ketika ini ialah bersifat material yang hanya mementingkan keuntungan semata-semata.  Jika hal ini berlanjutan, ini akan membawa kepada keruntuhan institusi pembangunan berteraskan Islam.  Kesimpulannya, konsep pengurusan insan di masjid Ban Nua, Thailand adalah berteraskan Islam.  Ini kerana melalui konsep pengurusan insaniah berkerangka Islam, masjid tersebut berjaya dalam pembangunan masyarakat tersebut mengikut cara Islam. 

1.Mohd. Affandi Hassan (1992). The Tawhidic Approach in Management and Public Administration: Concepts, Principles and Alternative Model, Kuala Lumpur: National  Institute of Public Administration Malaysia.
2. Muhammad Syukri Salleh (2003). Tujuh Prinsip Pembangunan Berteraskan Islam. Kuala Lumpur: Zebra Editions.
3.Rahimi Md Saad dan Abdul Muhsien Sulaiman (2010). Proceeding Conference on Philosophy, Education & Humanity.
4. Fadhlullah Jamil (1985).  Rasulullah SAW Sebagai Pembina Insaniah.Pusat Islam USM, Pulau Pinang.
5. Lokman dan Musa  (1996).  Pengantar Sains Pengurusan Masjid, Melaka: Majlis Agama Islam Melaka & Kolej Islam Melaka.

Sunday, April 12, 2015


Management is the main function of any organization.  Management is responsible for wellbeing (kesejahteraan) of the company and its stakeholders, such as the investors and employees.  Therefore, the management should be a skilled, experienced, and motivated set of individuals, who will do whatever necessary for the best interest of the company and stakeholders.  Best practices are usually outcomes of knowledge management. Best practices are the reusable (yang boleh diguna semula) practices of the organization that have been successful in respective functions.

There are two types of best practices in an organization, which is Internal best practices and external (industry) best practices.  Internal best practices are originated (berasal) by the internal knowledge management efforts.  While for, External best practices are acquired to the company by hiring (pengambilan) the skilled, educated and experienced staff and through external trainings.

When it comes to management best practices, there are many.  They can be further subdivided into different sub-domains within management, such as human resources.  When it comes to management best practices, we can identify five distinct (berbeza) areas where the best practices can be applied which is communication, leading by example, setting and demanding realistic goals, open management style and strategic planning.

First  is communication.  Management is all about communicating to the staff and the clients. Effective communication is a must when it comes to successful management.The management should have a set of best practices defined for clear and effective communication from or to the staff and the clients.  Second is leading by example.  Respect is something you should earn in a corporate environment. Leading by examples is the best way of doing this. Define and adhere (mematuhi)  to leadership by example best practices and also make sure your subordinates do the same thing.  The third is setting and demanding realistic goals.  Realistic goals can boost (rangsangan) the corporate morale. Most of the times, organizations fail due to unrealistic, unachievable goals and objectives.  There are many best practices on how to set goals and objectives, such as SWOT analysis (strength, weaknesses, oppurtinity, threat) analysis. Since the goals are the driving factor behind your organization, you need to make use of every possible best practice for goal setting.  Follow by open management style.  When your management style is open and transparent, others respect you more. In addition, information directly flows from the problem areas to you.  And lastly is strategic planning.  This is the most important best practice area when it comes to long-term benefits for the company.

There are many tools a manager can use for practising management best practices. Like benchmarking, forecasting, performance monitoring and key performance indicators.

Benchmarking(tanda aras)
Accurate benchmarking helps you to understand the capability of your company or the departments.  Benchmarks can then be used for evaluating and assessing the performance of your company.

Forecasting (ramalan)          
Forecasting, especially financial forecasting is a key function for a business organization. There are many tools such as price sheet and  balance sheet.

Performance Monitoring (pemantauan prestasi)
Matrix is one of the best practices in performance monitoring. In addition, you can define certain KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) for measuring and assessing the performance of departments, functions and people.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) [Petunjuk prestasi utama)
This is the most effective way of monitoring all the aspects of  business organization.  You can set up KPIs for any aspect of the business and start monitoring the progress of the respective aspects.  As an example, you can define KPIs for sales targets and monitor their progress over time. When the sales figures do not meet the KPIs, you can look into the issues and rectify them.  The KPIs used depend on your business domain. When KPIs are defined, they should align with your overall business objectives.

In conclusion, organizations can achieve a great success by employing management best practices.This is one way to make sure that the same mistake is not repeated.

Sunday, March 29, 2015


Mosque is the building in which Muslims worship(menyembah) God.  Throughout Islamic history, the mosque was the centre of the community and towns formed around this pivotal (penting) building.  Nowadays, especially in Muslim countries mosques are found on nearly every street corner, making it a simple matter for Muslims to attend the five daily prayers.  In the West mosques are integral parts of Islamic centers that also contain teaching and community facilities.

Mosques come in all shapes and sizes they different  from region to region based on the density of the Muslim population in a certain area. Muslims in the past and even today have made use of local artisans (tukang-tukang tempatan) and architects to create beautiful, magnificent mosques.
However there are, certain features that are common to all mosques.  Every mosque has a mihrab, a niche in the wall that indicates the direction of Mecca the direction towards which Muslims pray.  Most mosques have a minbar from which an Islamic scholar is able to deliver a sermon (khutbah) or speech.

Other common features include, minarets, tall towers used to call the congregation (jemaah) to prayer.  Minarets are highly visible and are closely identified with mosques.  Normally there is a large rectangular or square prayer area.  It often takes the form of a flat roof supported by columns or a system of horizontal beams supported by architraves.  In other common mosque designs, the roof consists of a single large dome. There are usually separate prayer areas, with separate entrances for both men and women.

Mosques have developed significantly over the past 1400 years.  Many have courtyards (halaman) containing decorative pools and fountains, which originally supplied water for ablution(wudhuk) before prayer.  Nowadays however,  more private bathroom and toilet facilities are provided.  Originally simple structures with earthen floors, now mosque floors are usually covered with plush carpet (permaidani mewah).  They are more often than not decorated with straight lines of geometric designs that ensure Muslims stand in straight rows to perform their five daily prayers.

There are never any images of life or statues in mosques, for in Islam it is forbidden (dilarang) that such things are kept or displayed.  At times the interior walls of the mosque are decorated with verses from the Quran in Arabic calligraphy or with intricate geometric designs.  The patterns are made from a variety of materials including mosaics, stucco, stone, ceramics, and wood.  The more classical designs are referred to as arabesque, and they take the form of a radial grid in which circle and star shapes are prominent (menonjol). 

Thus we can see that the translation of the Arabic word Masjid, into English becomes mosque.  A mosque is a house of prayer, and a place of prostration (tempat sujud).  It is a building designed and built specifically for the worship of Allah.  It is where Muslims stand shoulder to shoulder, united in their love for God and their desire to please Him.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Secrets and Blessings of Sunnah Foods

Coriander ( habb al-suda )
The most respected book of traditions state that the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) said, “ Make yours the seed of coriander, for it is a cure of all diseases except swelling [cancer], and that is a fatal disease.” It is also reported ALLAH informed the Prophet, “ She has been given everything.” And then ALLAH revealed that “she” is coriander. Coriander alleviates flatulence and resolves fevers. It is effective in the treatment of leukoderma, and it opens the subtlest networks of the veins. Excess moisture in the body is dried up by the coriander, and it increases milk flow, urine, and menses. It is particularly useful when a person has cold. The oil of coriander is a treatment for baldness and scalp problems, and prevents grey hair. The smoke of the burning seeds is an insect repellent.

Henna ( hinna )
One Hadith reports that nothing is dearer to ALLAH than Henna. The holy Prophet (s.a.w) recommended it for many conditions : bruises, pain in the legs, infection of nails, burns, and to beautify the hairHenna is noted for its great heat and its ability to excite the passion of love. The perfume made from Henna flowers is considered to be one of the finest in the world. The dyeing of hands, nails, and feet is a common practice in the East, especially for weddings and feasts.

Honey ( asal )
ALLAH has said, “There comes forth, from within [the bee], a beverage of many colors in which there is a healing for you.” Mixed with warm water, and taken in several small doses, honey is considered the best remedy for diarrhea. The Prophet (s.a.w) once said, “By HIM in whose hand is my soul, eat honey. For there is no house in which honey is kept for the angels will not ask for mercy. If a person eats honey, a thousand remedies enter his stomach and a million diseases will come out. If a man dies and honey is found within him, fire [burning of hell] will not touch his body.” The prophet (s.a.w) himself used to drink a glass of honey and water each morning on an empty stomach

Melon ( battikh )
Said the Prophet (s.a.w) : "Whenever you eat fruit, eat melon, because it is the fruit of Paradise and contains a thousand blessings and a thousand mercies. The eating of it cures every diseases. None of your women who are pregnant and eat of watermelon will fail to produce offspring who are good in countenance and good in character." The Prophet (s.a.w) took melons with fresh dates.

Citron ( utrujj )
The Prophet (s.a.w) is reported to have said, "The citron is like a true believer : good to taste and good to smell." Citron strengthens the heart, dispels sadness, removes freckles, satisfies hunger, and slows the flow of bile. The wife of the Prophet (s.a.w) used to treat blind persons with citron dipped in honey. Citron is best taken about ten minutes after conclusion of meals.

Sweet pomegranate are preferred over the sour. The juice stems coughs. All kinds of pomegranate settle palpitations of the heart. Hazrat Ali(r.a.) said that the light of ALLAH is in the heart of whoever eats pomegranate. It is also reported that one who eats three pomegranate in the course of a year will be inoculated against ophthalmia for that year. Said the Prophet (s.a.w) : Pomegranate "cleanses you of Satan and from evil aspirations for forty days."

The Prophet (s.a.w) was reported to have once remarked that vinegar was the seasoning of all the prophets who came before him. Vinegar is both cold and hot, nearly balancing between the two. Mixed it with rose water, it is an excellent remedy for toothache and headache. Vinegar dissolves phlegm. Another Hadith states that a house containing vinegar will never suffer from poverty.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Human resource management is the activities and practices to plan for, attaract, select, develop and retain human resources to achieve the organization's goals.  HRM is important because the quality of an organization is, to a large extent, determined by the quality of its employees.  Good HRM policies and practices will assiast an organization to manage its employees well and determine the best use of the talent and skills available to accomplish the organizational goals.

There are seven functional areas in HRM which is:

1. Human Resource Planning

2. Recruitment
3. Selection
4. Training and Development
5. Performance Appraisal
6. Compensation
7. Employee Realtions

All human resource functions are interrelated and each function plays an important role to facilitate the process of managing human resources in organizations.

Human resource planning is the process of reviewing and identifying future staffing needs of an organization. It is important to forecast future staffing needs of an organization. There are several activities involved in HRP process. HRP begins by reviewing the organizations strategic planning.

Two forecasting type is forecasting HR demand (requirement) and forecasting HR supply (availability) need to be conducted. Lastly, forecasts for labour demand and supply will be compared to determine the right actions needed to be taken. If demand is less than supply, the company needs to have more staff in the future. Recruitment and selection plan must be established. If demand is more than supply, fewer employees are therefore needed in the future and suitable strategies such as restricted hiring and layoff may need to be adopted.

Recruitment activities are set when an organization is in need of more employees to meet its future demand and goals. Recruitment is the process of attracting qualified job candidates to apply for employment in the organization. There are two recruitment options that can be adopted by organization which is internal and external. Internal recruitment means attracting current employees to apply for job openings in the organization. External recruitment involves obtaining applications from individuals external to the organization.

When external recruitment method is used various methods can be adopted in order to attract potential employees to the organization. These include media advertising, employment agencies, employee referrals and internet recruitment.

Selection is the process of selecting the best applicants for a particular position and organization. There are several major step involved in the selection process which is screening applications and resume, selection tests, employment interviews, reference and background checks, selection decision and medical examination.

Training is the process of building the skills and knowledge of employees for their present jobs and has a short-term focus. Development is the process of learning beyond today's job and has a more long-term focus.

There are two main purpose of performance appraisal which is judgement purpose and developmental purpose.  Judgement purpose is performance is evaluated and its results will be used to assist other human resource decisions such as salaryreview, promotions, transfers and terminations. while, developmental purpose is where weaknesses are identified and will be used to determine training needs.